Lemon Drop Black Tea Benefits

Black Tea Benefits

Contains Antioxidant

Consuming antioxidants may help decrease the risk of chronic disease and improve your overall health.

Heart Health

Black tea contains flavonoids and this ingredient has beneficial effects on heart health. Through several studies, regular drinking of black tea may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

May lower “Bad” LDL Cholesterol

LDL and HDL are two types of lipoproteins which carry cholesterol throughout the body. Studies have shown that black tea may help reduce LDL levels. High LDL levels increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Gut Health

Trillions of bacterial and the immune system is housed in the gut. Polyphenols and antimicrobial properties found in black tea may help improve gut health and immunity.

Blood Pressure

Consuming black tea on a daily bases may help decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This research however is mixed.

Reduce the Risk of Stroke

Insulin is a hormone that is secreted when you consume sugar. Black tea is a non-sweetened beverage that can help improve the use of insulin and reduce blood sugar.

Reduce Risk of Cancer Cell

The polyphenols in black tea may help fight cancer cells in the body. Although consuming black tea will not cure cancer, it may help decrease the cancer cell development.

Improvement in Focus

Some properties in black tea may help improve focus due to the caffeine content and the amino acid called L-theanine. The amino acid increases the alpha activity in the brain, which can help improve focus and alertness.


Lemon Peel Benefits

High Nutritional Value

High amount of fiber and vitamin C. It also gives small amounts of calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

May Support Oral Health

A study showed that a lemon peel has a powerful antibacterial property and is effective against oral-disease-causing bacteria. A test-tube study found lemon peel extract combats Streptococcus mutans activity, with higher doses being more effective.

High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are plant compounds that prevent cellular damage by fighting free radicals in your body. Lemon peels are high in antioxidants, including D-limonene and vitamin C. D-limonene is known to reduce risk of certain conditions, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. A test-tube study showed lemon peel having a stronger antioxidant activity than grapefruit or tangerine peels. Animal study revealed D-limonene increasing enzyme activity which helps reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is linked to tissue damage and accelerated aging. The vitamin C in lemon peel acts as a powerful antioxidant and likewise promotes immune health.

May Have Antimicrobial and Antifungal Properties

There are several antimicrobial and antifungal properties in lemon peels. A test-tube study revealed a reduction in the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

May Boost Your Immune System

The flavonoid and vitamin C content may bolster the immune system. A study on fish revealed dehydrated lemon peel improved the immune responses. A review showed the vitamin C reduced the severity and duration of the common cold. Vitamin is noted to accumulate in phagocytes, a type of cell that ingests harmful compounds.

May Promote Heart Health

The flavonoids reduced heart disease risk. A study on mice with obesity showed D-limonene lowered blood sugar, triglyceride, and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. Another study revealed a reduction in blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol. The pectin in the peel may also reduce cholesterol levels by increasing the excretion of bile acids.

May Have Anticancer Properties

Flavonoid intake is shown to reduce the risk of several types of cancer, with the vitamin C assisting the growth of white blood cells. These help eliminate mutated cancer cells. D-limonene may have anticancer properties against stomach cancer. A test-tube found that it helped kill stomach cancer cells. A study on rats revealed that a different concentration of D-limonene inhibited stomach cancer by increasing the death rate of the mutated cells. Human research is needed for more accurate studies pertaining to cancer treatment.

May Treat Gallstones

Studies have shown D-limonene may help treat gallstones – hard deposits that can develop in your gallbladder. A D-limonene solvent experienced complete gallstone disappearance, suggesting that this treatment could be an effective alternative to surgery.


Cross References:

Black Tea Benefits Research References

Lemon Peel Benefits Research References